Acest site este cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013. Investește în oameni!  
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The INSEED project aims to create a modern framework for training and skills forming in higher education in science, design and services management (SPMS) and to promote innovation in service industry based on a model of open, continuous education and cloud type distributed computing infrastructure with virtualized resources and accesible as services, interconnected at European structures.

Partnership Agreements with Companies

Automation and Computers

  1. Faculty of Automation and Computers (A&C) – S.C. EAST ELECTRIC S.R.L (EE)
  2. University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB) – Comerical Society for Research, Design and Production of Automation Equipment (SC IPA SA)
  3. Faculty of Automation and Computers (A&C) – SC TESO SPEC SRL
  4. Faculty of Automation and Computers (A&C) – SC EUROGRAPH RAM IMPEX SRL
  5. Faculty of Automation and Computers (A&C) – SC GDARMED G&G SRL
  6. Faculty of Automation and Computers (A&C) – SC MIRA TELECOM SRL
  7. Faculty of Automation and Computers (A&C) – DC MIRA TECHNOLOGIES GROUP SRL
  8. Faculty of Automation and Computers (A&C) – SC COMPUTER SHARING Bucuresti SR
  9. Faculty of Automation and Computers (A&C) – SC Vision Systems SRL  
  10. Faculty of Automation and Computers (A&C) – SC SIS S.A.  
  11. Faculty of Automation and Computers (A&C) – SC ROBCON TM  SRL
  12. Faculty of Automation and Computers (A&C) – SC Retail Management Systems SRL
  13. Faculty of Automation and Computers (A&C) – SC WI-NOVATION SRL  
  14. Faculty of Automation and Computers (A&C) – SC ASTI Automation SRL  
  15. Faculty of Automation and Computers (A&C) – SC S_IND Process Control SRL
  16. Faculty of Automation and Computers (A&C) – SC IMSAT Cuadripol SRL
  17. Faculty of Automation and Computers (A&C) – SC FelixTelecom SRL
  18. Faculty of Automation and Computers (A&C) – SC Magic Engineering SRL
  19. Faculty of Automation and Computers (A&C) – SC Cloud Troopers International SRL
  20. Faculty of Automation and Computers (A&C) – SC EDCG Informatica SRL


Electrical Engineering

  1. University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB) – SC WING Computer Group SRL (WING)
  2. Faculty of Electrical Engineering from UPB (FIE) – SC Elcos Proiect SRL (ELCOS)
  3. Faculty of Electrical Engineering from UPB (FIE) – SC Electric Products Certification Independent Body SRL (OICPE)

Electronics, Telecommunication and Information Technology

  1. University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB) – S.C. RomTek Electronics SRL (RomTek)
  2. Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunication and Information Technology from UPB (ETTI) – S.C. Complet Computers Consulting S.R.L (COMPC)
  3. Electronics, Telecommunication and Information Technology from UPB (ETTI) – Logic Computer S.R.L. (LOGIC)
  4. University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB) – Comtest S.R.L. (COMTEST)
  5. Electronics, Telecommunication and Information Technology from UPB (ETTI) – ECAS Electro (ECAS)
  6. Electronics, Telecommunication and Information Technology from UPB (ETTI) – S.C. ORO Silver S.R.L. (OS)
  7. Electronics, Telecommunication and Information Technology from UPB (ETTI) – S.C. Giga Electronic International S.R.L. (GEI)
  8. Electronics, Telecommunication and Information Technology from UPB (ETTI) – SC SOEL Systems SRL  
  9. Electronics, Telecommunication and Information Technology from UPB (ETTI) – SC Electromagnetica Goldstar SRL  
  10. Electronics, Telecommunication and Information Technology from UPB (ETTI) – SC ELSIX SRL  
  11. Electronics, Telecommunication and Information Technology from UPB (ETTI) – SC MAGNUM CCC SRL  
  12. Electronics, Telecommunication and Information Technology from UPB (ETTI) – SC NEOSIS SECURITY SRL



  1. Faculty of Energetics from UPB (EN) – Institute of Studies and Energetic Design (ISPE)



Proposals for R-D colaborative programs between universities and companies - organizations in services

