Acest site este cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013. Investește în oameni!  
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The INSEED project aims to create a modern framework for training and skills forming in higher education in science, design and services management (SPMS) and to promote innovation in service industry based on a model of open, continuous education and cloud type distributed computing infrastructure with virtualized resources and accesible as services, interconnected at European structures.

ID project: 57748

Axis: 1."Education and training in support of growth and development of knowledge-based society"

Field: 1.2 "Quality in High Education"

Title: Strategic program to promote innovation in services through open, continuous education (INSEED)

Type: Multi-Regional

Starting Date: 01.10.2010

Period: 36 months

Value: 20908100 RON

General Objectiv: Creating a modern educational framework for training and skills formation in higher education in science, design and services management

Monitoring Organization: OIPOSDRU


Due to the closing of the INSEED project, from 18 to 20 September 2013 several events will be organized:

18th of September - Meeting with Companies

19th of September - International Forum "Best Practices for EU Service Interoperability. Challenges for Higher Education and Research"

20th of September - INSEED Project Closing Conference

Agenda 18th of September

Agenda 19th of September

Agenda 20th of September

Announcement of Finishing INSEED Project